Members of the Tecumseh Local Schools’ Elementary Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) have announced the PTO has been given the green light to go ahead and completely fund a field trip for each of Tecumseh Local School District’s (TSLD) Kindergarten through Fifth grade classes during the 2016-2017 school year.

Elementary school field trips were discontinued several years ago amid financial concerns within the district.

According to PTO Vice-President, Natalie Jackson, the club has offered to pay for field trips in the past, but ran into opposition, “(Cutting field trips) was heartbreaking for our kids. (Students) deserve the opportunity to go on a field trip and learn outside of the classroom...We have wanted to bring back field trips for the last 3-4 years but we were always told that, even if the PTO paid for it, the community will think that the school is funding these trips. So the answer was always “No.”

Jackson says new District Superintendent, Norm Glismann changed that “No” to a “Yes” this year. She also wants the community to understand that the PTO is fully funding the trips, “(The PTO) can assure the community that these field trips are not funded with any school money whatsoever. The field trip, bus drivers, gas for the busses, and any other associated fees are being 100% paid for by the PTO.”

The club estimates it will spend approximately $10,000-$12,000 on the field trips. The Field Trip money was mainly raised from the PTO’s two big annual fundraisers, “We have two main fundraisers each year. In the fall we (sell products). Last year it was pies, the year before, it was cookie dough. From last year’s sale of pies, we raised about $9,000. In the spring we have a festival for the community (where we raised) about $8,000.”

Each classroom teacher gets to choose where their class will go on their field trip; nearly 1,500 TLSD elementary children will benefit from the PTO’s gift.

There are currently 15 active PTO members; these include parents, teachers, and principals from all three elementary schools. In addition to Jackson, PTO officers include: Brandi Diehl-President, Missy Carnes-Treasurer, and Brandy Tripplett-secretary. Membership is open to any parent or family member of a TLSD elementary student.

The PTO meets the first Monday of every month in the middle school library. Those wishing to donate to the field trip fund can contact any of the TLSD elementary schools or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jackson wants community members to know they have played a big part in helping the PTO send the children on the upcoming field trips, “It is because of all the wonderful people in our district that support our fundraisers, they have made this possible! They really get all the credit for thank you Tecumseh families!”

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